Orthodontic Statistics: Did You Know …?

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What’s it like being an orthodontist? How much about braces, aligners and tooth manipulation do you really know?

Orthodontics Statistics
Even if you’ve worn braces (or your child has), learning some fascinating statistics about this dental specialty might serve you well on trivia night (or when considering orthodontics in the future).

The American Dental Association reports that 70 percent of braces are on females, and largely for aesthetics. The majority of these patients are 12-15 years old.

Adults are choosing orthodontics more often, too, but many are selecting invasive procedures like bridges, implants and crowns to get similar aesthetic results faster.

Most orthodontists recommend braces for those with an underbite or overbite.

Millions of Fans
In 2015, more than 1 million people in North America had braces.

The perfect time to get orthodontics is around age 10 (although this can vary from person to person), when the mouth is mature enough but still relatively easy to manipulate. Braces can take up to 18 months to do their job (sometimes longer), but the end results can be fantastic.

Some patients, however, may need to use a retainer at night for life to sustain results.

The second most common reason for braces, besides aesthetics, is an overbite. This is also known as overjet. Protruding teeth and misaligned teeth also can be good candidates for braces.

Today, there are more options than ever for braces. You can choose among classic metal braces, ceramic braces (which are hardly noticeable), lingual braces (bottom teeth only) and Invisalign. All types of braces require regular follow-up visits.

Getting to Know Your Orthodontist
It’s important to shop around and choose an orthodontist who’s reputable. Choose someone you have good rapport with.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 6,190 orthodontists are practicing in the United States today. That’s a relatively small number, given the population and expanse of the country, and evidence of just how demanding and difficult it is to achieve this as a career path.

Orthodontists choose to go above and beyond dental school in order to specialize in orthodontics. Still, Outrank reveals in a study that 34 percent more dentists are pursuing orthodontics now than were five years ago.

Choosing the right orthodontist is no quick task. Your smile says a lot about you, and it deserves some research before you take the plunge. Meet with a few orthodontists before picking your favorite, and never be afraid to get a second opinion. Your smile is with you for life, so protect it.

Call Johnson Elite Orthodontics today and make an appointment to come in and see one of our orthodontic specialists for a free consultation.

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