Not all orthodontic treatments are the same. In fact, orthodontics as a field of treatment has changed more in the past 20 years than in the previous 100 years. Today, our orthodontist can provide you with treatment options that are healthier, faster and more comfortable. The results of your treatment will go far beyond straight teeth. Orthodontic treatment is about improving your oral health and achieving wider and more beautiful smiles for a lifetime. Here at Johnson Elite Orthodontics, we use the Damonâ„¢ System to help you achieve all the benefits of orthodontic treatment.

Why Choose Damon?

The Damon System is not only a revolutionary orthodontic system, but a whole new way of providing treatment. Traditional orthodontic treatments often require extracting teeth or using a palatal expander to make space for all the teeth. This approach is frequently uncomfortable, lengthy and can result in a flat profile and narrower arches. Smiles straightened using the Damon System are full, natural smiles achieved with light biologically compatible forces. They are designed to produce the best possible results.

For more information about Damon braces in Salt Lake City and South Jordan, Utah and to schedule your smile consultation with Dr. Spencer Johnson, contact our office today or visit the MySmileConsultâ„¢ website.

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